Our Blog And Client Stories

Looking for the latest info? Our blogs at Master your Story are designed to keep you up-to-date on the latest trends and happenings. We’ve also included stories from clients who have been through our process so you can learn more about their projects and their success.

If you’d like to contribute a blog contact us at info@MYSmatters.com.

Journaling Can Help You Cope In Uncertain Times

We are all suffering under the weight of added stress and anxiety... even fear... as we navigate the uncharted waters of a global pandemic. For most of us, stuck at home all day, we are also contending with the ‘what to do right now?’ question. While binge watching on...

Authenticity and Storytelling During a Crisis

Storytelling by its own nature conjures up ideas of fantasy and entertainment, but not when it's paired with authenticity and a mission. When in a crisis, storytelling provides a means for you to engage with your audience and help convey your message or set their...