We believe together our stories can improve humanity.
Like any good story, it is important that we start with the end in mind. Knowing your desired outcome is key to a successful process. Setting goals and objectives for your process is essential. Once you have identified your desired outcome or destination, you can begin to design the road map to get you there.
Mind The Gap in our Master Your Story process means recognizing where you want to be and where you currently are. We have a process to help you safely navigate your distance and level up to your new platform.
We believe when we bring things together we foster change. Change that impacts humanity and the world around us. We want to help you find your story. Thank you for reading this and for being part of our Master Your Story audience. If you’re ready to take the next step in developing your story or brand, reach out to us here on this website. Sign up to our mailing list. We are always happy to hear from you. We look forward to helping you navigate your gap.
Kim Plyler, US. Navy Veteran, is the host of Master Your Story podcast, author of “It Wasn’t on The Record: The Ashley Berg File”, co-author of the screenplay The Ashley Berg File, CEO of Sahl Communications, Inc. and member of Forbes Agency Council.